Monday, January 23, 2012

My 100 Days Challenge - Day 1 - Failure vs Success

After traveling for two weeks,  I'm finally back to blogging...and with a brand new attitude thanks to the "100 Days Challenge" from Linda Spangle's book:  "100 Days Of Weight Loss - the Secret to Being Successful on any Weight Loss Plan".   It is a self-managed program that relies on TOTAL COMMITMENT - and requires complete dedication to one's goals and dreams.   It will take a lot of effort but I'm willing to do what it takes to achieve my goals.

Day 1 is about listing the fears and obstacles which have prevented me from achieving my goals in the past and how I can overcome them with a "brand new attitude" about myself and what I CAN accomplish during the next 100 days.  The format given is  "I used to....but now I.....".   However, I need to modify this with reflection on what allowed me to be successful in the past vs the times I've not been successful in reaching my goals.  As I said earlier, I lost 45 pounds once - so there is no reason why I can't do it again!   What was the cause of my past successes, and past failures?  What caused me to lose focus?  What prevented me from being consistent with my program?    On reflecting on the past year when I maintained through 3/4 of the year, and then started gaining weight at what I consider an alarming rate - I know some things that caused my lack of success:
1. I lost focus.
2. I stopped exercising.
3. I stopped planning my meals.
4. I did not eat mindfully.
5. I stopped journaling and counting points.

This means that in order to be successful now, I need to return to the things that I did in the past when I was successful:
1.  Stay focused
2.  Exercise regularly  (4-5 days a week would be great!)
3.  Plan my meals daily and eat mindfully
4.  Track my points and exercise daily
5.  Keep a Reflective Journal  -  Stay Positive and Committed!

Each time I begin to lose focus, I need to return to Day 1 and remind myself what I did that caused me to fail, and what I need to do to succeed.  In addition, I am working on a list of my dreams and goals which are connected to my weight loss and fitness goals.  I will post the list on my mirror and take time to read them daily.

Today, I plowed the field! I decided I needed to return to the gym and got in 45 minutes of lap-swimming and water aerobics!   A real accomplishment for me as I hadn't gone in at least six weeks!  My goal is to alternate walking and swimming so tomorrow will be my walking day.  Now that I'm finally starting "the challenge", I'm excited about it!

Tomorrow the topic will be on the importance of commitment.

1 comment:

  1. Babs - you have been thanking ME, but I thank YOU. Part of today's reflection (which I haven't blogged yet) is to go back over the week, but I think you hit the nail more on the head: We need to go back to Day 1 and see what needs a shot in the arm. I like your take on it - instead of looking at the negative things, look at the POSITIVE things you used to do that got you to where you need to go now.
    Good luck on this journey!
