Sunday, March 18, 2012

100 Days Challenge - Day 24 - Eat For Satisfaction

It seems that there are a number of topics in Linda Spangle's book which overlap.  For example, yesterday's topic was "Savoring" and today's is "Eat for Satisfaction".  Previously, on Day 20, the topic was "Eat for Awareness".   Obviously, if you are savoring each and every bite of a meal,  you are definitely eating for satisfaction and awareness!  Duh!   On the other hand, there are good reasons to eat slowly and focus on each bite.  We do feel more satisfied eating in such a manner rather than rushing through a meal and barely paying attention to the taste of what we're eating.  I once took part in a weight loss program with a psychologist who was adamant about not eating while reading, watching TV or any other distraction, and to time our meals so that we wouldn't rush through them.   I as well as the other participants in the program were "successful" during the time we were in the program.   However, due to the expense and the fact that I was a single mom, it was a program I simply could not afford to continue.   The point is this is something I've done before but since I don't take time to "savor" food or "eat for satisfaction or awareness" on a regular basis, having it drummed into me a number of times is probably a good thing!

What did I do today to demonstrate my total commitment? 

I had to skip my walk outdoors due to high winds and dust (up to 50 mph) which continued throughout the day.  I will get in a Leslie Sansone tape instead - not sure if I'll just do one mile or two indoor walk, or maybe a one mile and a stretch tape.   Either way, I intend to get in a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise each and every day, especially now that I've turned a corner with the throat infection I caught last week.

I am very focused on my food plan.    This was my menu for today:   Breakfast - Fiber One cereal w/unsweetened Almond Milk and a banana;   Lunch - roasted chicken (2 pieces) and green beans;   Dinner - Salmon burger w/o bread w/veggies   Snacks - grapes;  Greek  yogurt (plain w/tsp honey) and strawberries.


  1. I too found a lot of repeats in the book. WTG on your tracking!

  2. Great job on being focused on your food and also for finding an alternative to walking outdoors.

    You are doing terrific!

