Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year - A Fresh Start

Since I started over a month ago with a "new beginning"  to my journey, I would rather name this day - January 1, 2013 - as a "fresh new start".   I stopped blogging before leaving for our trip to San Antonio - exactly two weeks ago today.   Now, I am picking up from where I stopped - but not starting anything new.  I returned to tracking my daily meals yesterday, and I am returning to blogging today.   Tomorrow, I plan to return to exercising.  I won't say I totally stopped my journey - there were many more days of "mindful eating" than of over-indulging.   I have to blame most of my "over-indulging" on those darn oreo chocolate truffles that were "to die for" and the fact that my daughter and I ended up making way too many of them!   I can usually exercise self-control - even with ice-cream or frozen yogurt (my nemesis!) - but those chocolate truffles were oh, so yummy! Clearly, I do need a FRESH START!

I'm home now and thankfully there are no truffles here calling my  name.   We do have a few sweets around the house as I had planned a holiday Open House - which I recently cancelled for a number of reasons and I plan to get rid of them before the week is over.   Truthfully, though, the only craving I have now is for healthy foods.  I think my body has decided "enough is enough" - so I am detoxing by eating fruits, vegetables - not only has my focus been on mindful eating but also "clean eating". I have even had vegetarian days or days with very little meat.   Slowly, my body is feeling healthier - the stomach bulge is disappearing - and my over all well-being is returning!

I actually spent New Year's Eve reading blogs by my blogging buddies - Elaine, Miriam, Flo and Jan, and a few more as well as daily posts on the forums on Dottie's Weight Loss Zone.   Many of the recent entries both on the blogs and forums focused on reviving or continuing fitness and health journeys - and setting up a plan for the new year to help them stay on track - but what inspired me the most was the renewed spirit, determination and motivation which so many of them have!   Since I do not attend Weight Watcher meetings, and am only using the WW e-tools,  I plan to continue reading health blogs, articles and forums as often as I can as a source of motivation and inspiration!



  1. Happy New Year Babs - I've had such a "fretful" past few weeks I haven't been able to keep up with reading or even do my own blog. I am so happy for you that you are back on track and back to blogging. I hope to do an entry myself in the next couple of days. We need to harness each other's momentum!

  2. I am so with you on craving healthy foods. I need to try and take back my health issues. We can all do this together.
