Friday, January 4, 2013

Our New Adventure in Healthy Eating!

While it's only been four days since I re-started my blog, I can say I've been on track since Monday.   I'm taking positive steps to focus on my health and feeling great!  The only thing I've not done is re-start my exercise routine  - partly because we've days of snow and very frigid temperatures.  The weather should improve considerably tomorrow. Although my weigh-in day is not until Monday, it appears that I've lost 3-4 pounds!    Of course, that gives me plenty of motivation to keep on keeping on my journey!

In my last entry I said I would not be starting anything new this year.  Now I have to say that I've had second thoughts - and I am going to do something I've never done before!  It is not part of WW but I feel it will be a great way to jump-start my program this year.  I'm going to start juicing!  The good thing is I'll be doing it together with my husband - and it will be an experiment for both of us. Here is a series of articles about juicing on : Juice to Lose Weight.  Since we will need to experiment with this new approach (for us),  we'll start slow, and try juicing for five days a week, and just one meal per day - probably mid-day. We will still eat a normal breakfast and light dinner.  Once we get used to juicing, and experiment with different recipes, we will then try juicing two meals a day. We are preparing for this venture by buying a high-powered juicer:  Omega 806 Nutrition Center Juicer.  I chose this juicer after doing a lot of research and feel confident that it will serve our needs well.  I've also ordered three resources: two are books The Big Book of Juices (author: Natalie Savona),  The Seven Pillars of Health (author:  Donald Colbert)  and  the third is  a  film on DVD entitled Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  I know the latter has a morbid-sounding title, but it is actually a story with a positive ending:   it is about a life-changing transformation of an obese Australian man whose name is Joe Cross who became fit and healthy by juicing.

Here is a synopsis of the film:

Overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe was at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. With doctors and conventional medicine unable to help, Joe traded in junk food and hit the road with a juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe had one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle.

I am excited about trying this, especially since I've also seen what a difference it's made in my daughter and son-in-law's overall health.   They're both looking so much fitter and healthier!   Stay tuned as I will be posting the results!   Maybe I should call the next several weeks "Our Adventures in Juicing"!   :)   We will be starting this new chapter once we've received the resources we've ordered - and watched the above film, which includes demonstrations of juicing.

1 comment:

  1. I love juicing. I wouldn't be concerned about it not being part of WW. If it works for you then go for it!
