"What we think or what we know
or what we believe is, in the
end, of little consequence.
The only consequence is what we do"
- John RuskinI'm always looking for inspiration...and the image and quote above is the one that "spoke" to me this morning. Certainly on this journey, DOING is so much more important than believing or knowing what we need to do. This is why I keep on keeping on this journey, hard as it is at times.
I've gone through the first two sections of the Challenge, and am now beginning the third section. I started this a little over two months ago so one could say I'm really not on Day 31. However, some of the topics have required some reflection and since there are exercises to go with each of them, one day is not alway adequate time. Other times, I've stumbled into "road blocks" - either because I've not been able to relate to the topic or because I've been away from home. I spent more than a month with my daughter in San Antonio and while I did "protect my program" about 90% of the time, I had little time to blog. All in all, though, I've had good results this time around - better than I have for a long time. I have to believe that blogging is helping me to focus more as this is the first time I've actually blogged my journey. But then as the quotation says above "believing" is not enough - rather it's the "doing" that makes it happen!
Day 31 on this journey is called "Hunger Scale" - it's about tracking feelings of hunger using the following scale:
Hunger levels
0 Neutral, not hungry, not full
-1 A little hungry
-2 Very hungry
-3 Starved, way too hungry
This is an exercise that I can definitely relate to. There are times I get busy and postpone eating for way too long - which backfires as I then start snacking WHILE I'm preparing a meal! Not a good habit, and one I need to address. The exercise - which I intend to follow - is this:
Start watching for hunger signals such as having a growling stomach, fatigue, headache, or loss of focus. Notice if you feel somewhat weak or shaky, grouchy, listless, or faint. Write down what you typically get for hunger signals.
I've not gotten as far as becoming faint or grouchy! But I have certainly had a "growling stomach", loss of focus and/or felt fatigued at times. At the moment, I am feeling slight hunger as I had breakfast about four hours ago. I'll need to take a lunch break followed by my daily exercise. Today, I've done stretches and will probably do a 30 minute exercise tape.
You are doing a great job Babette! Keep it up :)