Sunday, November 2, 2014

Body Reset - completed!!

It's always hard to get back on the wagon, but I am definitely back on now, thanks to the 10 Day Reset Program which I officially started on October 21st.  It took me a bit longer than ten day to get through the program but I'm proud of myself for sticking to it and completing it!  It has given me a kickstart to get back on my journey and now it's a matter of keeping a positive attitude and continuing to believe that what I'm doing is something I need to keep doing for myself!

Yes, I've completed the Body Reset, but it is definitely not the end;  in fact, what it really is is a new beginning!   Each time I've set up a routine for myself,  and stuck to it, I've reaped a degree of success.  Even if I get off the my journey again, I now have the Body Reset Program to fall back on as a great way to get back on that wagon.

So my journey continues…this week,  I will begin a program called the Wildly Alive Weight Loss Program, as developed by Nichole Kellerman - which is a continuation and expansion of what I've been doing on the Body Reset.  I will get a Kickstart into the Program with the Bonus she has offered me after completing the Body Reset - and it will take me into the month of December.   I expect tomorrow's coaching chat with Nichole to be the perfect timing to add motivation and support to my determination to keep going on my journey.  

Aside from the Bonus gift which Nichole offered on a video which I received,  here is her message for the last day of the Reset:

Last and final day, make sure you go out with a BANG (meaning stick with it, don't just give up today).
 But again, there is more to come after this 10 days :)….

And the I LOVE ME message for today….

Today's "Function (over form) Focus" is your *ENTIRE* body - that continues to give to you, day in and day out, 24-7 without 1 single complaint . Today notice your ENTIRE BODY and all it does for you (as you're going about your normal day-to-day stuff be sure to just say, "BODY, YOU ROCK!"). 

Movement for today:

Walking - 2 miles

Meditation Movement (yoga)

Food Journal:

B - toast w/pb;  greek yogurt;  coffee w/creamer

L - turkey sandwich;  grapes

D - grilled salmon, veggies and a salad

Snacks:  1/2 slice of banana bread; small cream cheese roll-up (at church social)

Addendum:  I just realized that I missed one of the most important parts of today's message from Nichole, one that I completely agree with:

LAST Loving Swift Kick: By now I am SURE you have started feeling some incredible effects from all this movement + nutrition + love! Energy, clarity, strength, confidence and the list goes on. This is not the end, it's only the beginning! Keep going!

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