Monday, March 17, 2014

Spring Break Camp Revised - and an Update of My Health Journey

Our family plans for Spring Break were considerably revised.   Since everyone was available, we decided to begin our family vegetable and fruit garden!   While we did get in some "boot camp" with our in-house personal trainer, Amanda,  and family walks led by "Grandma" (that means me!), most of the time was spent building NINE raised bed gardens and planting seeds in temporary pots for a variety of vegetables and fruits which we are placing indoors and taking outdoors during the day when it is sunny.   If all goes as planned, we will have a bountiful harvest through the summer and fall!   Unfortunately, I don't have photos - yet!  However,  I will be taking a series of photos as our garden develops - and add them to this blog.  I am excited about having FRESH produce - I can't think of a healthier way to eat than to grow our own veggies and fruit - so it will be a wonderful addition to my health journey!  

For anyone who might be interested, here is a "how to" on building raised bed gardens:

My Health Journey - an Update

I've done well in keeping up with the challenges I've taken on - am exercising at least five days a week! I'm also averaging around 7K Fitbit steps per day and on some days up to 9K+!   I did have a lapse  of a few weeks when I was eating way too many desserts!  Just recently, I've made it a Lenten project to cut out all sweets except dark chocolate  (I allow myself two squares every other day).  The best for me would be to continue the project beyond the end of Lent - except for special occasions.  I'm also participating in the Made To Crave Action Plan by Lysa Terkeurst which is a follow-up to a Bible Study I did last month. It has a strong spiritual focus along with nutritional information and ways to stay on target with whichever food and exercise plan we've chosen to follow.   I like that it allows one the freedom to choose whichever program works for us, but does give support and ways to make it work!

I'm seeing good results from all my efforts - clothes fitting much better than before, energy level good, and the scale is going down albeit slowly - in fact, I'm now two-tenths of a point from returning to ONEDERLAND!  That's eight pounds less than I was when I started in mid-January - Yay, me!!   I have a long ways to go but I'm setting up mini-goals (via Weight Watchers Online) which are more do-able.  I also know I have the tools to make it work!    I'm focused on  "mind, body and spirit" which I feel is a very holistic approach to becoming healthy.   I can say that my life is relatively stress-free so that has also had a positive effect on my health journey.   Oh, and I have great "mentors" who inspire me  - mostly my friends on DWLZ  (Dotti's Weight Loss Zone),  and a supportive family!


  1. Can't wait to see your harvest!

  2. I have been after my husband to do raised garden beds for years - after seeing them at my cousin's house in .... TEXAS! However, since I am not willing to build or tend them myself, he does it his way - which is to put everything in the ground, not weed, and tire of watering by mid-July. I ask him why he bothers - he said he likes to put in gardens! LOL Oh well...

  3. Onederland here you come! Go girl!
