Saturday, March 2, 2013

Combining Juicing with the Real World - Making a Plan!

I love the graphic - although the 'drinking' we've done lately is "juicing" - not wine! However, we are indeed "shrinking"  : )  We are both committed to making "juicing" a mainstay of our meals at home - at least once a day, and at times twice a day.  Because of our commitment, we've had to work out a plan as we can really only juice at home and there are of course times that we eat out - whether it be at church functions, while traveling, or just having an occasional restaurant meal.   What we've decided to do is juice twice a day when we know ahead of time that we are eating out.  As for traveling, we will have to simply do our homework - by looking up menus ahead of time and choosing restaurants that serve healthy meals.   We all know the adage - "Failing to Plan means Planning to Fail."  We simply know that in order to be successful, we need to
plan ahead of time!

Ralph and I are continuing to see the scale go down, although not quite as fast as our first week of juicing.  Of course, that was partially a "cleansing" so it's not surprising.  We are both already into a smaller size and wearing clothes we haven't been able to wear in a long time!  We also feel energized, our joint pain is virtually gone, and our general well-being is improving by the day!   We're still getting in our walks although we certainly need to work towards daily walks rather than just two or three times a week.  I also plan to return to lap swimming in mid-March when the Y pool reopens.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like this plan is doing great things for both of you.
