Monday, July 16, 2012

100 Days Challenge - Still Working on Motivation

"Achievement seems to be connected with action. 
Successful men and women keep moving. 
They make mistakes, but they don't quit." 
                                                                                       - Conrad Hilton 

Hard to believe a whole week has passed by since my last post!   Where did the week go???   Truthfully, I've been down in the dumps lately, mainly because I've been gaining weight rather than losing weight!  :(    Not enough focus, and not enough motivation.   I've only gotten in two days of exercise the past two weeks and have made several "transgressions" on my food intake.   Granted, there were  "life happens" type of events which took up a chunk of my time.    However, if I were more motivated, I'm sure I would have found the time to focus more on my journey.   I'm not going to beat myself up about it...I'm just going to do what the runner in the photo above is doing - keep putting one foot in front of the other - literally and figuratively!    

I have learned a few lessons through my above-mentioned "transgressions".   As I posted on Miriam's blog,  at a restuarant this past weekend,  I did something I rarely do - I indulged in a "death by chocolate" cake (shared with my husband) , and sure paid for it later...felt sickly most of that evening and could barely look at food the next morning!  It was way "too rich" for me -  "over the top" in calories and carbs!  Clearly, I have developed sensitivities against such carb-rich items  - a "red-flag" lesson for me, for sure!    My well-being has also been adversely affected with the added weight I've put on this past month or so and I feel like such a "slug"!   That is one feeling I can't wait to lose, along with the five pounds I've put on!

Today is Monday  and while most people dislike Mondays,  Monday to me means a "new week and new beginnings"!   I'm once again taking control!  I started the day with a nice long walk (45 minutes).   I've eaten moderately throughout the day, and will return to my food journal this evening.   One day at a time, I WILL get back to doing what need to do to look and feel healthy. 

I would like to share this poem about MOTIVATION  (from the DWLZ newsletter); it truly spoke to me and where I am TODAY on my journey!


There are two days in every week about which we should not worry;

Two days which should be kept free of fear and apprehension;

One of these days is YESTERDAY, 

With its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. 

YESTERDAY has passed forever beyond our control. 

All the money in the world cannot bring back YESTERDAY. 

We cannot undo a single act we performed. 

We cannot erase a single word we said. 

YESTERDAY is gone.

The other day we should not worry about is TOMORROW,
With its possible adversities, its burdens, its larger promise. 

TOMORROW is also beyond our immediate control. 

TOMORROW, the sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds; 

But it will rise.
Until it does, we have no stake in TOMORROW

For it is as yet unborn.

This leaves only one day - TODAY. 

Any man can fight the battles of just one day. 

It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternity’s - 

YESTERDAY and TOMORROW – that we break down. 

It is not the experience of TODAY that drives men mad.
It is remorse or bitterness for something which happened YESTERDAY

And the dread of what TOMORROW may bring.
Let us therefore LIVE ONE DAY AT A TIME


  1. I'm glad to read you aren't beating yourself up. It will come :)

  2. LOL before reading Jan's response I had already decided to say : "I'm glad you aren't beating yourself up." When talking with my counselor today I said I have flashes of wanting to stick to the diet. She asked me - in all these years of dieting, has it ever done me any good in the long run? I had to say that all dieting has done is make me beat myself up, make me gain more weight, and now I am down to about 24 hours between the time I decide to make a fresh start and the time I go off. Sometimes not even 24. I'm learning not to beat myself up over this. The going off the diet is inherent in the going on the diet. This is surely not the story for everyone, but it is for me, and when I read your post I was just so sad.

  3. You're both right...having an "overeating" experience or gaining a few pounds is not worth beating myself up about - it happens to us all! I'm learning that this is more about finding what foods make me feel healthy and those that don't...not about overeating. I have also started paying more attention to my hunger signals. I sometimes do not breakfast anymore as I find I'm not hungry. I also have changed from eating "3 X a day" to one main meal and smaller "meals" or snacks throughout the day. I am not following anyone's rules - I am essentially setting up my own rules based on what works for me. The good news is I'm feeling better already with these new changes!

  4. Great! And I came back to say that I wasn't saying I was sad that you are dieting (lol) - I was saying that I was sad you were beating yourself up. At this stage in our lives don't you think we've had enough beating ourselves up to last a lifetime? I'm going to work with my counselor on my issues of self-blame (if I'm the boss of the universe it also means that I'm responsible for all its problems! lol) - which I know feeds my anxiety to eat.
