Saturday, February 1, 2014

Back to Juicing - and Loving It!

Happy that we've finally returned to Juicing as part of our regime!  We've all missed it so much - and by all, I mean the entire family  - my husband and I as well as my daughter, my son-in-law and my granddaughters!    Just by reading the benefits of Juicing in the above poster, one can see how many health benefits there are for people of all ages!

The recipe we're starting out with this week is:  cucumbers, spinach, celery, romaine lettuce, green apples, carrots, and ginger, lime and lemon - so YUMMY!  I'm anxious to reap again all the healthful benefits we reaped when my husband and I undertook Juicing last year - which we did for several weeks until we were inundated with our moving plans.   We tried to get back to it since our move last summer and for various reasons, we were "side-tracked" - now we're all back on the same page - and I am thrilled!   I hope this time we can make it a mainstay of our eating regime - which should be doable except when we travel.

Now to share some results of my journey!   Since I returned to my journey to good health four weeks ago, even with the disruption of a long trip (traveling is nearly always a challenge when one is trying to focus on clean eating!), I still lost five pounds!  I know with Juicing, the weight will come off faster, but at the same time,  the nutrition found in various veggies will increase my energy, clarity of mind, and overall well-being - and with all of that, it's so YUMMY!   What's there not to love?!   : )


  1. Sounds wonderful. WTG on the weight loss

  2. Oh so happy for you that YOU are happy! Glad your whole family enjoys the juicing experience - it makes things so much easier, doesn't it? Great weight loss too!

  3. WTG on the weight loss! You are doing it.
